How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

What is SMEDAN?          

In this post, we will discuss the benefits/importance of SMEDAN Registration to SMEs in Nigeria. 

SMEDAN was created to help small and medium scale businesses and business owners by providing them the right tools for faster growth. 
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) was established by the SMEDAN Act of 2003 to promote the development of the Micro, Small and medium Enterprise (MSME) sector of the Nigerian Economy. The Agency positions itself as a one stop shop for MSME Development. Micro Enterprises are included in the Clientele of the Agency Since they form the bedrock for SME's.

Benefits/Potentials of SMEDAN.

The following are the aims/objectives of SMEDAN:

Insurance/Financial Services:

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

When you get your business Registered with SMEDAN, you get a chance to access loans from multiple providers, grants from governmental and private organizations and insurance for your business.

Private Sector Benefits:

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.
It gives you access to private sector benefits like; Trainings and Educational content by professionals, consultants, private investments opportunities and more.

Government Benefits:

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.
Being a registered member of SMEDAN, you stand a chance to get business supports from the government which includes conditional grants and many more.

Generally, they aim towards combatting poverty due to lack of access to income earning opportunities and lack of capacity to take advantage of opportunities. It's primary vision is;

To Establish a structured and Efficient micro, small and medium Enterprise sector that will enhance sustainable economic development of Nigeria.

How To Register and Get the SMEDAN Certificate:

SMEDAN Registration is basically in four(4) stages. With a mobile phone, it is easy to register your business with SMEDAN following the steps below:

#STEP 1: Click to visit the website Smedanregister. Once opened, the page below appears;
How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

#STEP 2: On this page, you are required to enter your Business name, phone number, Email Address and password as shown below on the application form and then click Get Started.
How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

#STEP 3: This page requires you to enter your business Information and click next as shown below;
How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

You would also be required to enter your website link, don't fret, I already made a post on how to create a free one page website for your business. 

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

#STEP 4: The last stage requires you to enter your business owner information that is, who owns the business? See below;
How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

It also requires you to describe in a few words what your business entails. See sample below;

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

On the next page, it shows that your details are being submitted, allow for some seconds and your Registration becomes Successful!
How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

Now go to your Email, with the subject "Thank you for registering your business".
Then click on SMEDAN CERTIFICATE on the mail, to download a PDF copy of your SMEDAN Certificate.
How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.

How To Obtain A Free SMEDAN Registration and Certificate for your Business.
Kindly take note of your SMEDAN Registration number and there you go! 


The establishment of SMEDAN is therefore justified by the need to trigger the development of Nigeria's MSMEs in a structured and efficient manner. 

Register your business and start enjoying these benefits today.

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