7 Best AdSense Low-Value Content Solutions

7 Best AdSense Low-Value Content Solutions


7 Best AdSense Low-Value Content Solutions

Although Google AdSense is one of the top pay-per-click services available, it might be difficult to generate money with it if you don't take some extra steps to improve your content. Here are seven simple solutions for Google AdSense low-value content issues so you can start making more money from your website visits. Because I'm writing from personal experience rather than study and suggestion, my suggestions are certain to work.

How Does Google AdSense Determine If My Article Is Poorly Written?

Google AdSense examines the quality of your content using a software called Article Quality Rating. This is an automatic tool that tracks your page visits, bounce rate, and time on-site to evaluate if your material is high-quality or low-quality.

If you start receiving a lot of Google AdSense emails about a Low-value content error, you may be posting low-quality material.

Google does not specify how it makes these determinations, but if you follow a few best practices, you should be able to avoid problems. To begin, ensure that your content has an SEO-friendly title tag. It should be no more than 55 characters long and incorporate your major keyword. Additionally, ensure that your article is sufficiently long. Google advises that web sites with lengthier articles have less concerns with content quality issues.

With that said, let's get started.

The Low-Value Content Error in Google AdSense and How to Fix It.

To be honest, there isn't a direct solution to this problem because the Google AdSense team hasn't stated the exact cause of the problem, but I believe that if you follow the suggestions below, you should be able to solve it. I've had this problem with other websites in the past, and applying these 7 tips helped me to solve it quickly.

Create High-Quality, One-of-a-Kind Content.

Low-quality or duplicate material from another site is an easy method to get detected by Google. To prevent getting flagged by Google's AdSense algorithm, start by providing high-quality, original content.

Google wants its customers to have a great experience, so make sure you're creating high-quality content that meets and exceeds their expectations. People who enjoy your material are more inclined to share it with their friends, who are similarly likely to enjoy it.

Then your friends will read your material and be more likely to share it. This allows Google's algorithm to detect how wonderful of a site you've developed and rank you higher in SERPs based on performance over time.

Compose Long-Form Content.

Write lengthier paragraphs with more words. Google's algorithm may evolve and render these AdSense low-value content recommendations obsolete in a few years, but for the time being, it is an effective approach of dealing with low-value content issues.

If you haven't previously installed a long-form on your site, prioritize it first. It might be useful when considering what kind of long-form themes to write about.

For example, if your expertise is travel, you might try studying various forms of luxury vacation experiences across the world, such as cruises, safaris, and more. In general, the more information individuals have access to (that they are interested in), the better Google's users will be.

Ensure that you have all of the TLPs (Top Level Pages)

One of the primary reasons Google AdSense flags you for low-value content is that you don't have the needed pages to assist explain your website and keep your audience's data safe when they engage with it.

The following are a few of the pages:

1) About Us Page - This page informs Google AdSense about your website (what you intend to provide your audience) while also informing your audience about yourself, which is why you should include some personal information on your about page.

2) Contact Us Page – As the name implies, this page should include your reach information, such as your active email address, phone number (optional for personal websites), and social network handles, as well as a form that people can fill out to quickly contact you.

3) Privacy Policy Page - This page primarily informs your users and Google AdSense about the information you gather from your audience and what you do with that information. This page may be difficult to create, but don't worry because there are several free tools available to assist you. If you are a WordPress user, you may just utilize the WP Lega Page Generator.

Other vital pages not covered here are (Terms and Conditions, DMCA, and CCPA – California Consumer Privacy Act). These pages are extremely important and required for any website.

Check if Google has indexed your content.

There's no way the Google AdSense team will accept your website if it can't be discovered on Google, and even if it can, it shouldn't be simply your home page; at least 20 of your blog posts should be. AdSense will have a better understanding of your website as a result, and your approval process may be accelerated if more of your blog post is visible throughout Google. You must submit your website to Google Webmaster, now known as Google Search Console, in order for it to be found on Google. 

If your site is not yet listed on Google, please watch the video below to learn how to get it listed and avoid Google AdSense Low-Value Content.

Source Neil Patel youtube page

Have at least 20-30 high-quality blog posts available.

Most people believe that the quantity of articles on your website has no bearing on the approval process; yet, they are correct.

However, in my experience, I would recommend that you publish 20+ high-quality articles with at least 18 indexed and driving a substantial amount of traffic before registering for AdSense, since this can help speed up your acceptance process.

Incorporate Media into Your Blog Posts ( Images and Videos )

Using images or videos not only helps you avoid the Google AdSense low-value content mistake, but it also improves your website's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) score, which might bring in more visitors through image search in the long run.

Search engines like blog articles with photos or videos since they feel the material is thorough enough to answer the concerns of consumers. Though not all posts may necessitate the inclusion of an image or video, it is critical that every post on your website include a featured picture.

Publish Content On A Regular Basis.

When it comes to blogging, it is recommended to publish at least two (2) blog posts per week. This will notify search engines and AdSense that your website is not a dead but active website, and it will also help boost your traffic because the more posts you have on your website and on your promotional channels, the more traffic you will receive.

We all know that Google loves new material since new issues are discovered every day, and old problems evolve, therefore if there is a new article that Google believes will address the same problem as the old post, Google will have no choice but to rank your new piece.


The techniques outlined above will assist you in resolving the Google Adsense Low-Value Content issue while also ensuring that your website has the best search engine presence possible. One thing to remember is that consistency is the key to success in any industry.

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