Addressing Workforce Challenges in Microelectronics: Insights from 2024 IEEE ECTC Conference

Addressing Workforce Challenges in Microelectronics: Insights from 2024 IEEE ECTC Conference

Addressing Workforce Challenges in Microelectronics: Insights from 2024 IEEE ECTC Conference
Addressing Workforce Challenges in Microelectronics: Insights from 2024 IEEE ECTC Conference

At the 2024 IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), a special session addressed workforce challenges in the microelectronics industry and presented potential solutions. The sector's growth, driven by AI, electrification, automated manufacturing, data centers, and IoT, has led to significant global investments in infrastructure but also highlighted a severe shortage of skilled labor.

Patrick Thompson from TI warned of potential impacts on device design and manufacturing due to the lack of trained professionals. Robert Geer from NY CREATES noted that many STEM graduates are unaware of microelectronics opportunities. NY CREATES aims to attract talent through outreach to community colleges, veterans, and K-12 education, utilizing job shadowing and internships at facilities like the Albany Nanotech Complex.

John Oakley from the Semiconductor Research Corporation emphasized the need for a multidisciplinary workforce, primarily composed of technicians. He highlighted obstacles like student interest, funding, and program scale, noting that while SRC contributes significantly to the semiconductor Ph.D. workforce, only a small fraction of students enter the field. SRC's strategies to address this include hands-on experiences, improved training and mentorship, and financial incentives.

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