Fully Funded Mandela Washington Fellowship: Full Sponsorship for Young African Leaders to Study in the USA in 2024

Fully Funded Mandela Washington Fellowship: Full Sponsorship for Young African Leaders to Study in the USA in 2024

Fully Funded Mandela Washington Fellowship: Full Sponsorship for Young African Leaders to Study in the USA in 2024
Fully Funded Mandela Washington Fellowship: Full Sponsorship for Young African Leaders to Study in the USA in 2024
Image credit: Mandela Washington Fellowship 

The Mandela Washington Fellowship is set to bring up to 700 young African leaders to the United States in the summer of 2024. This program, fully sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and IREX, covers all expenses related to travel, accommodation, and meals for the Fellows. It offers a comprehensive executive-style program designed to enhance skills and empower Fellows to lead in their sectors and communities.

The Fellowship includes academic coursework and leadership training, providing unique opportunities for collaboration between Fellows and U.S. citizens. The aim is to spur economic growth, strengthen democratic governance, and enhance peace and security across Africa and the United States.

Fellowship Summary

  • Host Country: United States of America (USA)
  • Category: Fellowships
  • Eligible Countries: African Countries
  • Rewards: Full Sponsorship | Travel Costs | Accommodation
  • Application Deadline: September 1, 2024

Fellowship Details

The U.S. Department of State and IREX are looking for academic, professional, and regional experts to read and score applications for the 2025 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. These volunteers will evaluate around 50 applications using set guidelines and a scoring rubric, providing a professional development and résumé-building opportunity.

Requirements for 2024 Applicants

The Fellowship is open to young African leaders who:

  • Are between 25 and 35 years old by the application deadline (exceptional applicants aged 21-24 will also be considered).
  • Are proficient in English (additional guidance is available for applicants who are deaf).
  • Are citizens of eligible African countries.
  • Will not face discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Ideal Reader Requirements

Ideal readers are academics or professionals with expertise in business, civic engagement, or public management, or those with experience working in Africa or on sub-Saharan African issues. U.S. Government employees and Fellowship Alumni are also eligible, but applicants for the 2024 Fellowship are not.

Fellowship Duration and Benefits

The Fellowship offers a fully funded six-week Leadership Institute at a U.S. college or university, where Fellows can share their experiences and learn from U.S. citizens and other Fellows. Additional benefits include:

  • Exploring industries beyond their daily work and expanding their expertise.
  • Participating in a Summit with young African leaders.
  • Meeting with U.S. Government, civic, and business leaders.
  • Strengthening their work through new connections, skills, and ideas.
  • Joining a continental and global Alumni Network for seeking innovative solutions to common challenges.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on:

  • Proven leadership and accomplishment in business, civic engagement, or public service.
  • Demonstrated commitment to public or community service, volunteerism, or mentorship.
  • Ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups and respect others' opinions.
  • Strong social and communication skills.
  • Energetic and positive attitude.
  • Knowledge, interest, and professional experience in the preferred sector/track.
  • Commitment to return to Africa and apply leadership skills to benefit their country/community.

Application Process

To apply for the Mandela Washington Fellowship, interested applicants should:

  1. Visit the fellowship application page by clicking the link.
  2. Click the “Apply Now to Be A Fellowship Reader” button.
  3. Contact the Fellowship Team at MWFReaders@irex.org with any questions.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship selection process is a merit-based open competition.

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