OpenAI Launches Affordable and Accessible GPT-4o Mini AI Model with Advanced Capabilities

OpenAI Launches Affordable and Accessible GPT-4o Mini AI Model with Advanced Capabilities

OpenAI Launches Affordable and Accessible GPT-4o Mini AI Model with Advanced Capabilities
OpenAI Launches Affordable and Accessible GPT-4o Mini AI Model with Advanced Capabilities
Image credit: Business Insider 

OpenAI has introduced GPT-4o mini, a new AI model designed to enhance affordability and accessibility. This model is priced at 15 cents per million input tokens and 60 cents per million output tokens, offering a significant cost reduction compared to previous models like GPT-3.5 Turbo. With more than 60 percent lower costs, GPT-4o mini is an economical choice for various applications.

GPT-4o mini features a context window of 128K tokens and supports up to 16K output tokens per request, currently handling both text and vision tasks. Future updates will further expand its capabilities to include text, image, video, and audio inputs and outputs.

Scoring 82 percent on the MMLU benchmark, GPT-4o mini surpasses GPT-4 and other competitors in text-based reasoning and multimodal tasks. It also excels in math and coding benchmarks, outperforming models like Gemini Flash and Claude Haiku.

To address safety concerns, GPT-4o mini includes several measures to mitigate risks such as harmful content and system vulnerabilities. These safety features encompass content filtering and advanced techniques to prevent issues like jailbreaks and prompt injections. The model is now available through various APIs and to ChatGPT users, making high-performance AI more accessible.

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