Southern California Edison Partners with Fervo for Innovative Enhanced Geothermal Energy: A Milestone for Carbon-Free Power

Southern California Edison Partners with Fervo for Innovative Enhanced Geothermal Energy: A Milestone for Carbon-Free Power

Southern California Edison Partners with Fervo for Innovative Enhanced Geothermal Energy: A Milestone for Carbon-Free Power
Southern California Edison Partners with Fervo for Innovative Enhanced Geothermal Energy: A Milestone for Carbon-Free Power
Image credit: Fervo Energy 

Southern California Edison, one of the largest power companies in the U.S., has entered into a power purchasing agreement with Fervo, a 7-year-old startup specializing in fracking for heat rather than oil and gas. This partnership marks the first deal between an electric utility and an enhanced geothermal company, signaling a significant step in the effort to combat global warming.

Enhanced Geothermal Technology

Enhanced geothermal plants differ from conventional geothermal plants, which capture steam from natural underground hot springs requiring specific geologic conditions. Enhanced geothermal technology, pioneered by oil and gas drillers, replicates these conditions, allowing for heat extraction in more diverse locations. This innovative approach is expected to broaden the application of geothermal energy significantly.

 Project Details and Impact

  • Project Timeline and Capacity:
    • The new enhanced geothermal plant is set to be completed in 2028.
    • It will add 400 megawatts of carbon-free electricity to the power grid.
    • Southern California Edison has agreed to purchase 320 megawatts, with the remaining power going to smaller providers.
  • Environmental Significance:
    • The plant's 400 megawatts of power are less than one-fifth of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant's capacity, which provides nearly a tenth of California's electricity.
    • This project represents a crucial development in reducing global warming through sustainable energy.

Advantages of Enhanced Geothermal Energy

  • Carbon-Free Energy:
    • Fracking for heat releases no greenhouse gases, making it a viable solution for reducing carbon emissions.
    • Enhanced geothermal energy has the potential to serve as a 24/7 carbon-free energy resource on the power grid.
  • Environmental Benefits:
    • Between 2005 and 2021, the replacement of coal with cheaper natural gas led to a significant reduction in U.S. CO2 emissions.
    • Despite some concerns about methane leaks during fracking, enhanced geothermal energy offers a cleaner alternative to natural gas and coal.

Political and Industry Perspectives

The adoption of enhanced geothermal energy faces both opportunities and challenges. While fracking for oil has its critics, the expansion of fracking technology for geothermal purposes presents a promising avenue for clean energy. Notably, U.S. presidential candidate Kamala Harris has stated she will not seek to ban fracking, underscoring the ongoing debate around this technology.


The collaboration between Southern California Edison and Fervo represents a pioneering effort in the energy sector, aiming to leverage enhanced geothermal technology for a sustainable future. As the first of its kind, this agreement sets a precedent for future projects and highlights the growing importance of geothermal energy in the global fight against climate change.

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