UN Adopts Resolution on Global AI Cooperation and Capacity Building

UN Adopts Resolution on Global AI Cooperation and Capacity Building

UN Adopts Resolution on Global AI Cooperation and Capacity Building
UN Adopts Resolution on Global AI Cooperation and Capacity Building
Image credit: Wikipedia 

The resolution titled "Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence" highlights the importance of developing AI in a way that is human-centered, promotes beneficial intelligence, and benefits humanity. This resolution, adopted unanimously by the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and proposed by China with the support of over 140 countries, aims to bolster international cooperation in AI capacity building.

Emphasizing inclusive, beneficial, and sustainable AI development, the resolution supports the United Nations in playing a central role in international cooperation. It also advocates for an open, fair, and non-discriminatory business environment. The goal is to help countries, particularly developing ones, strengthen their AI capabilities and enhance their participation in global AI governance. This effort aligns with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

China's permanent representative to the UN, Fu Cong, presented the draft resolution, emphasizing the profound impact of AI on global economic and social development. He noted that many countries, especially developing ones, still lack access to AI technology, exacerbating the global digital divide. Fu stated that the resolution proposes significant measures to enhance international cooperation in AI capacity building, aiming to bridge this divide and promote equitable AI development.

China with the support of over 140 countries, aims to bolster international cooperation in AI capacity buildin
China with the support of over 140 countries, aims to bolster international cooperation in AI capacity building
Image credit: POLITICO.eu

The resolution's adoption indicates a broad consensus among UN member states on the need for enhanced global AI governance through dialogue and cooperation. Fu highlighted China's commitment to promoting the resolution's implementation, focusing on human-centered development, equality, mutual benefit, and innovation. He added that China aims to help developing countries strengthen their AI capabilities, promote sustainable development, and contribute to building a community with a shared future for humanity.

A spokesperson for China's permanent mission to the UN remarked that the resolution was warmly welcomed by UN member states, especially developing countries, who appreciated China's leadership in promoting global AI cooperation. They agreed that the resolution's focus on AI capacity building and its practical measures are crucial for bridging the global digital divide and sharing AI benefits.

The spokesperson also mentioned the Global AI Governance Initiative announced by the Chinese leader in October 2023, which guides global AI development and governance. As the first UN resolution on international cooperation in AI capacity building, it reflects the core principles of the Global AI Governance Initiative and the Global Development Initiative. It meets the expectations of developing countries and demonstrates strong support for multilateralism and the UN, marking a significant step towards a community with a shared future for humanity.

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