YouTube Unveils AI Tool to Remove Copyrighted Music While Preserving Dialogue and Effects

YouTube Unveils AI Tool to Remove Copyrighted Music While Preserving Dialogue and Effects

YouTube Unveils AI Tool to Remove Copyrighted Music While Preserving Dialogue and Effects
YouTube Unveils AI Tool to Remove Copyrighted Music While Preserving Dialogue and Effects

YouTube has introduced an AI-powered eraser tool designed to help creators remove copyrighted music from their videos while preserving other audio, such as dialogue and sound effects, according to a report by TechCrunch's Ivan Mehta. This new feature aims to simplify the process of dealing with copyright claims on the platform.

YouTube cautions on its support page that the algorithm might sometimes struggle to remove only the music. "This edit might not work if the song is hard to remove. If this tool doesn't successfully remove the claim on a video, you can try other editing options, such as muting all sound in the claimed segments or trimming out the claimed segments," the company advises.

As an alternative, creators can opt to "Mute all sound in the claimed segments" to silence sections of the video containing copyrighted material. Once the video is successfully edited, YouTube removes the content ID claim, which is part of the company's system for identifying copyrighted content.

To further explain the feature, YouTube shared a video on its Creator Insider channel

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