Japan Ends SLIM Moon Mission After Losing Contact, Celebrates Historic Achievements

Japan Ends SLIM Moon Mission After Losing Contact, Celebrates Historic Achievements

JAXA Concludes SLIM Mission After Communication Loss

Japan Ends SLIM Moon Mission After Losing Contact, Celebrates Historic Achievements
Japan Ends SLIM Moon Mission After Losing Contact, Celebrates Historic Achievements
Image credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Japan's space agency, JAXA, officially ended its SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) mission after losing contact with the lander since April. The agency announced on August 26 that it had "concluded operations" on August 23, following unsuccessful attempts to re-establish communication from May to July. 

The spacecraft last made contact with Earth in late April, with mission teams continuing monthly efforts to receive a signal until the decision was made to terminate the mission.

SLIM Survives Unexpected Challenges on the Moon

Despite landing on its side, the SLIM lander, affectionately dubbed the "Moon Sniper," successfully achieved its primary goal of pinpoint lunar landing. JAXA reported that the lander touched down with an impressive accuracy, landing just 10 meters (32.8 feet) from its target point, marking the world’s first successful pinpoint landing. 

In addition to this, the lander exceeded expectations by surviving three lunar nights, much longer than its intended one lunar day of operation.

Spectral Observations and Unexpected Surprises

Beyond its precise landing, SLIM also accomplished secondary objectives. The lander used its Multi-Band Camera (MBC) to conduct spectral observations on 10 rocks in 10 wavelength bands, providing valuable data beyond its initial mission scope. 

Image taken by SLIM using the Multi-Band Camera (MBC)
Image taken by SLIM using the Multi-Band Camera (MBC)
Image credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 

Adding to the mission’s success, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) managed to ping SLIM's retroreflector during its passes over the mission’s landing site, further contributing to the scientific achievements of the mission.

Japan’s Future Lunar Ambitions

Japan's SLIM mission, launched on September 7, 2023, from the Tanegashima Space Center, was a milestone in the nation's space exploration efforts. Although the mission has now ended, Japan is already looking ahead to future lunar exploration. The country is collaborating with India on a mission to land on the lunar south pole, with the launch expected later this decade.

In concluding the SLIM mission, JAXA expressed its deep gratitude to all who contributed to the mission’s development and operation, as well as those who supported and encouraged the project. Despite the challenges and the eventual loss of communication, the SLIM mission is celebrated as a historic success in Japan's space exploration history.

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